Sikhs are known throughout the world as a rich and wealthy community through their Langar and sewa, but there is a major population of sikhs living under marginalised conditions, for eg: Sikligars, Bhatras, Satnamis, etc. These sections of the community have been neglected and abandoned, rendering them trapped in the vicious cycle of Poverty.
To pull them out of this vicious cycle and assimilate them with the mainstream, the biggest weapon is Education. We all know education plays a vital role in eradicating poverty and achieving social justice.
There are many students who want to pursue higher education but because of family’s financial constraint as compared to the high cost of professional courses such children have no other option than to sacrifice their dream.
Many a times the death of the breadwinner in the family or loss of Job or business also make these families unable to pay for their child’s education. Here comes the role of the society in making radical change in the lives of these untrodden sections of the sikh panth.
"Family Living Conditions"
The male head in such families are mostly daily wage earners like street vendors, painter, carpenter, mason, etc while the mothers in some families work as domestic help. Their house is confined to just a room or two where around 6-10 members reside. The kitchen is located in a corner of the room. The living condition is so pathetic, that meal is prepared in make shift kitchen only twice a day so that fuel and ration is saved.
It is heart rendering that in some cases kitchen is converted into bathing place in the morning for female members of the family.
The applicants are basically from the families where either the head of the family is an alcoholic, drug addict, jobless or doing petty jobs with meager income. In some cases the bread winner is the widow who bears the responsibility of the whole family.
We strongly believe that EDUCATION is the best tool to pull them out of this vicious cycle of Poverty
