Vidya Vichari Tan Paropkari
The basic principle as laid down by Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji for every human being is:
Keerat karto - workhard for a living
Naam Japo – meditate on the almighty
Vandchako - help others by sharing

The above line spoken by Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is in reference to being human, he elaborates that if one gathers knowledge and dedicates his life for the welfare of his brethren then it would be a true contemplation about knowledge. In lack of contemplation he would be a slave to lust, greed, anger, ego, and attachment. His life will not be able to achieve the purpose for which they are born as a human. Humans are superior in the sense that they have been bestowed with the ability to ponder that the purpose of life is that we are from eternity and we have to merge with it as against other living beings numbering in millions who would just, eat drink give birth and take care of their siblings all their life.
Humans have the ability to attain knowledge and use it to create an ideal world. The purpose of life is not just to read books, the knowledge has no meaning if it cannot liberate us from greed, lust or ego. Such persons are referred to as fools. If the knowledge doesn’t show us the way to merge with the almighty it is just fooling ourselves.
Humans will be worthless if worldly knowledge is not complemented with spiritual knowledge. It has been seen that after getting some knowledge over the years people have become greedy and corrupt. By misusing their knowledge they indulge in all kinds of criminal activities and live just for themselves a massing wealth by plundering, looting and destructing his brethren which becomes the ultimate purpose of their life and many times it is seen them landing up in jails. Therefore concluding that humans have evolved over time that they can fly in the air, swim in deep waters, create many things but just can’t be HUMANS.
Abrahim Lincon had written a letter to the headmaster of the school where his son was admitted and directed him to teach his son that:
The real value of a dollar earned by working hard and diligently is much more than 5 dollars without sweating
He should learn to accept defeat with dignity and celebrate victory humbly
He should understand the various faces of nature and he should develop an intellect to analyse the changes
He should listen to all, contemplate on good words and remember them and let go anything else
In such a way all humans can tread the way of truth and work for the betterment of all mankind.