“Learning & Education for Underpreviliged Children from an Early Age"

Gursikh Education Society aims that every child should be in school and get quality education. Under this scheme students are sponsored for their basic education upto class 12th.
For most underprivileged families, educating their children is the last thing on their mind. We all know education has been proven to be a key to escaping the cycle of poverty across the world. Early childhood education lays a foundation for lifelong learning.
We invite application from the parents after a thorough interview of parents. Our team discusses the importance of education.
Parents are also guided on regularity & punctuality in school, clealliness of school uniform and most important how to create environment for studies at home.
After selection the application are sent to prospective sponsor. Once the sponsor is finalised children are sent to good english medium school near their vicinity. Transportation may also be arranged for the student depending upon the situation.
“After School Tuitions & Social & Emotional Learning Skills For Children"
The underprivileged students are unable to go to paid tuition as they are too expensive for them. As their parents are illiterate and work as daily wagers its not possible for the to get parental support in their homework and such stuff. The environment for studies at home and surrounding area is not conducive. Gursikh Education Society runs this project to support the studies of these students in a room in some nearby school / classes.
Some extra curricular activities are also arranged for the students on a regular basis to aid in their all round development and also personality development and speaking skills. These activities enable students to apply academic skills in real world context.

Special Teachers and volunteers are hired to teach these students.

Higher Education in India has been going out of reach even for the middle and upper middle class people, think about poor and underprivileged students. Their parents cannot even get any loans from the banks to educate their child. Gursikh Education Society has been giving financial help to these students to pursue their dream qualification. Many of our students completed courses such as – Engineering, Medical, Para medical, B.Ed, MBA, MCA, Hospitality, etc.
Our Higher Education Fund helps these students pursue their dreams of a professional degree. Throughout their studies Gursikh Education Society team interacts with them regularly. The Project Manager and the President hold sessions with the student where his academic progress is assessed and at the same time inculcate moral values , Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji’s principle- Kirat Karo, Naam Japo, Vand Chhako and the power of Dasvandh.
The purpose of our Higher Education Fund is to assist young people in our sponsorship program with financial support so that they can attend college, university or certification courses after their school. This help is one of the best way to break the cycle of poverty.

Career counselling plays important role in every student’s life. Many times students are not able to decide a suitable career for themselves or the right path to achieve the career of their interests, aptitudes and capabilities, these students are counselled on a suitable career choice for them. Knowledge is also provided about the colleges and their performance and placement scenario.
Students are also made aware about various government schemes regarding fee discounts and scholorships. Specially, 10th or 12th pass or school dropouts are counseled regarding the skill developments and short term vocational courses such as- electrician, plumber, retail management, hospitality etc. that can give them a good career option.

Designed especially for school dropouts and average students to develop their skills and create earnings opportunities and give them a stable career.
Gursikh Education Society works in coordination with organizations working in the sector of PMKVY/NSDC etc. in various fields and helps its students to get trained under such schemes and get employment.
Students who are average in studies are identified from high school level and counseled to opt for such courses after finishing High School or Intermediate.
Since there are lot of chances for them to develop their skills in various careers. These skill development program have good jobs with decent salaries.
Skill Development helps them to select the career most suited to their aptitude, rather than their education.
The student are guided to importance of skill development. These programs are short term training program, the student can start his earning in young age only.